
  • Auto Switch for Android / iPhone

    Let’s hope this theme works for iPad to – assuming it also returns the user agent as “Mobile Safari”.

    [The] iPhone optimized Magento theme will be available in the next few days via Magento Connect. Additionally, as part of the upcoming 1.1 release, automatic detection and delivery of packages, theme(s) (templates, skins, css, layouts) based on the user-agent (client) may be associated on a global, website and store view. The video below gives a preview of Magento on the iPhone.

    via Magento – Blog – Video: Magento via iPhone – eCommerce Software for Growth.
    Configuration in Magento couldn’t be much simpler:

    UPDATE: Use “Mobile Safari|iPhone|iPod”. Also you don’t need to enter the exception against each of the ‘skin’, ‘layout’ templates’ etc parts, just add an exception next to the ‘default’ theme. Finally, the fields for ‘Matched expression’ and ‘value’ are case sensitive and do not require quotes around them. Enter each exactly as shown here (for iphone); Matched expression; iPhone Value iphone The theme is called ‘iphone’ in lower case so the value must match this exactly. Maybe not so simples after all!

    magento iphone configuration

  • Big App Publishing Bruv

    Got the tshirt? Now get to see how your reading will be monitored when reading books on iPhone, or more plausibly iPad.

    Below is a video of Enhanced Editions’ Ignite speech from this year’s Tools of Change conference, originally intended to be delivered by Rhys Cazenove but eventually given by Peter Collingridge.

    via Tools of Change: Analytics wake-up call | Enhanced Editions

  • Tart Secrets

    We all know the benefits of using snippets and bundles to speed up our coding, but what if we could take things a step further, and turn a complex html structure into something as simple as a CSS selector? Well, thanks to a new project, called Zen-Coding, we can do this very thing!

    In this four-minute video quick tip, he shows how:

    via Learn how to Write Lightning-Fast Code in 4 Minutes: Screencast | Nettuts+.

  • 15 Brilliant CSS3 Based Articles


    CSS3 is becoming more and more popular these days and many developers are using it regardless this is good of compatibility issues with some browsers. Today probably everyone knows about CSS3 and its features. But you can extend its use further with following awesome tutorials or resources. So go ahead and try them!

    via 15 Brilliant CSS3 Based Articles | Powerusers.

  • Getting British Business Online

    Businesses of every type and size need to be found online. Use our simple online tool to create your first website – no technical knowledge needed. Update your site from any computer, for free.

    via Getting British Business Online.

  • Lies and stats

    Among all the staggering stats, perhaps the lowest is the number of websites at 236 million I think – not sure as they fly past at quite a rate and I’m a bit dyslexic.

    JESS3 / The State of The Internet from JESS3 on Vimeo.

    JESS3 designed and animated this for the JESS3 lecture at AIGA Baltimore in Feb 2010.

    via Rosie Land

  • Anatomy of Apple Design on Vimeo

    Anatomy of Apple Design from Transparent House on Vimeo.

    The animation was done entirely using 3Ds Max and V-Ray render and took about 10 days to complete. Professionally done 3D visualization is the perfect tool to present concepts or new products in a beautiful, photoreal style, while creating a mood with music and conveying a message, through on-screen text or narration.

    Soundtrack: Oleg Galkin

    Transparent House used its visualization capabilities to create a tribute to a company they greatly admire on the occasion of the iPad release. The idea was to show a glimpse into the history of this product giant by modeling some of the innovative products theyve developed in their 3+ decade history. The animation was done entirely using 3Ds Max and V-Ray render and took about 10 days to complete. Professionally done 3D visualization is the perfect tool to present concepts or new products in a beautiful, photoreal style, while creating a mood with music and conveying a message, through on-screen text or narration.via Anatomy of Apple Design on Vimeo.

  • Crunchy spanicopita

    I hate it when I make this and it always emerges soggy from the oven, so today I decided to prebake the base and cook the egg to the point of very loose scrambled egg before filling the pie. Other ingredients: feta cheese, spinach prefried in garlic, cinnamon or nutmeg. And of course butter/olive oil between sheets. Works great – just waiting for it to cool now!

  • Hotmail

    When I see this behaviour from a mature microsoft product I wonder if there is not a degree of internal sabotage, such is the appearence of this foot shooting:
    Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

        [email protected]

    Technical details of permanent failure:
    PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 12): 550 SC-001 Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons. Reasons for rejection may be related to content with spam-like characteristics or IP/domain reputation problems. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your E-mail/Internet Service Provider for help. Email/network admins, please visit for email delivery information and support

    You’d have thought at least they’d have the decency to place me in the recipient’s spam folder and let them decide?

  • HMRC unrecommends IE6, IE7

    and suggests FF or Opera instead – no mention of safari but it works for me 🙂
