Service Agreement

Website Hosting

Environmental Protection Agency's Green Power Partnership programCarbon neutral: the generation of clean, renewable energy does not result in carbon emissions, therefore the purchase and subsequent use of renewable energy credits allow us to neutralise them.  Instead of offsetting our carbon emissions, we simply avoid them by ‘greening’ our energy at source.

Hardware & Network Redundancy

Carbon Neutral
Carbon Neutral

We are connected to the Internet via redundant connections with multiple carriers, to ensure network connectivity in case one of them goes down.
Each connection is carried across a diversified fibre network and connects to the Internet’s backbone in several places, thus allowing for total network redundancy. We keep our bandwidth unsaturated and carry enough network capacity to double our load if so required.
This has been our practice since 1997, and in that time we have learned what it takes to provide both rock-solid service and connectivity.

Technical Support

Can be reached 12/7 from 7am to 7pm via [email protected]
24/7 support is available by prior arrangement.

Search Engine Registration & Reporting

All sites are registered in Google Webmaster Tools, Yahoo Site Explorer and Bing.
All sites have robots.txt, sitemap.xml and Google Analytics hooks.

Monthly Reporting of Website & Search Engine Statistics

Optional. On-site statistics are also available with password protection.
Also optional is Piwik, an open source alternative to Google Analytics.

Email Campaign Management

We use MailChimp and/or Campaign Monitor

Website Monitoring & Reporting

Availability is monitored 24/7 and any outages will be addressed within 6 hours.
Schedule of Website Management Tasks
Every 24 hours all databases and content are backed up on-site and off-site.

Backup Schedule

Daily at 4am GMT.
Downtime Response and Guarantees
99% availabilty guaranteed. 10% refund for each 1% of downtime that exceeds this.

Disaster Recovery Plan

All data is backed-up off-site on Amazon S3 and can be restored anywhere within minutes; the DNS may take a little longer to catch up.

Server Maintenance & Security

Access is restricted to tart lovers with knowledge of PGP keys and SSL.

Agreed Prepaid Pricing

All hosting is payable 1 year in advance.