Category: tech news

  • Introducing Railgun

    CloudFlare Railgunâ„¢

    As a CloudFlare Optimized Partner, we are thrilled to offer the CloudFlare Railgun™ technology to all our customers. Railgun is CloudFlare’s latest performance optimization technology that gives you significant improvements in site load times. To activate Railgun, log into your control panel and select Railgun “On”. Read on for additional details and instructions:


    Railgun ensures that the connection between our network and the CloudFlare network is as fast as possible. Railgun achieves a 99.6% compression ratio for previously uncacheable web objects by using techniques similar to those used in the compression of high-quality video. The average website can expect a 1.43x performance increase.


    When a request is made to a CloudFlare server for a web page that is not in cache CloudFlare makes an HTTP connection to the origin server to request the page. It’s that HTTP connection that Railgun accelerates and secures.

    Even highly dynamic websites change slowly

    Railgun works by recognizing that uncacheable web pages do not change very rapidly. For example, during an experiment, the homepage HTML was captured once, and then again after 5 minutes and then again after one hour. The page sizes were 92,516, five minutes still 92,516 and one hour later 93,727.

    CNN sets the caching on this page to 60 seconds. After one minute, it is necessary to download the entire page again. However, looking inside the page, not much has changed. In fact, the change between versions is on the order of 100s of bytes out of almost 100k. Here’s a screenshot of one of the binary differences between the CNN home page at five minute intervals. The yellow bytes have changed, the rest have not.


    Experiments at CloudFlare have revealed similar change values across the web. For example, changes by about 2.15% over five minutes and 3.16% over an hour. The New York Times home page changes by about 0.6% over five minutes and 3% over an hour. BBC News changes by about 0.4% over five minutes and 2% over an hour.

    Although the dynamic web is not cacheable, it is also not changing quickly. That means that from moment to moment there’s only a small change between versions of a page. CloudFlare Railgun uses this fact to achieve very high rates of compression. This is very similar to how video compression looks for changes from frame to frame; Railgun looks for changes on a page from download to download.

    Railgun Technology

    Railgun consists of two components: the sender and the listener. The sender is installed at every CloudFlare data center around the world. The listener is a software component that we have installed on our network for customers.

    The sender and listener establish a permanent TCP connection that’s secured by TLS. This TCP connection is used for the Railgun protocol. It’s an all binary multiplexing protocol that allows multiple HTTP requests to be run simultaneously and asynchronously across the link. Or in other words, a persistent connection is opened between CloudFlare’s network and ours and eliminates the overhead of TCP.

  • intoDNS: checks DNS and mail servers health

    IntoDNS checks the health and configuration and provides DNS report and mail servers report.And provides suggestions to fix and improve them, with references to protocols’ official documentation.

    Source: intoDNS: checks DNS and mail servers health

  • WordPress › Blog » WordPress 3.0 “Thelonious”

    Arm your vuvuzelas: WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress and the culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors, is now available for download or upgrade within your dashboard. Major new features in this release include a sexy new default theme called Twenty Ten. Theme developers have new APIs that allow them to easily implement custom backgrounds, headers, shortlinks, menus no more file editing, post types, and taxonomies.

    via WordPress › Blog » WordPress 3.0 “Thelonious”.

  • Is H.264 a legal minefield for video pros?

    Another way where professionals can get off the hook for payments is if the video is broadcast for free over the Internet. Earlier this year, MPEG LA extended through 2015 a provision that means streaming H.264 video over the Net requires no royalty payments as long as anyone can see the video without paying.

    Ultimately, for the license terms one sees in software, MPEG LA errs on the side of sounding tough.

    “The purpose of the provision in the MPEG LA license is to ensure that the license doesn't cover commercial distribution of H.264-encoded video,” Homiller said. “It would be nice if there were a 'gentler' way to convey this, but it might be challenging to do so without opening up some loopholes that the licensers would regret.”

    via Is H.264 a legal minefield for video pros? | Deep Tech – CNET News.

  • A good problem to have

    Microsoft wanted 100% share in every market they entered. The thought was that once you dominate a market, you can impose your will on it via pricing, distribution, bundling, and all sorts of other methods designed to maximize profit. To Microsoft in the 1980s, a monopoly was a great problem to aspire to have, and since antitrust laws weren’t routinely applied to software companies, the threat seemed immaterial. The problem with this thinking, however, was that the law eventually caught up to them and crippled their ability to continue operating as a monopoly.

    via A good problem to have | Mike Industries.

  • Atmosphere: The Mobile Internet

    #eventsatgoogle — April 12, 2010 — The Mobile Internet with Mary Meeker, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley.

    Lots of juicy facts & stats to back all the clichés about the net going mobile and social, with no mention of the word microsoft.

    via YouTube – 5 – Atmosphere: The Mobile Internet.

    Maybe now’s a good time to check your apps are compatible?

  • Definition of In Denial

    The question is: why? My guess is that In Design etc. is for dead trees.

    The squabbling between Apple and Adobe has been getting increasingly personal, with Adobe executives and employees angered in particular by Apple’s decision to block Adobe software that would allow developers to produce programs in Flash that would then be converted to work on the iPhone.

    The Journal’s Alan Murray had an exclusive interview with Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen Thursday afternoon, and Digits live-blogged the event. Highlights are below.

    via Highlights: The Journal’s Exclusive Interview With Adobe CEO – Digits – WSJ.

  • Rapportive Replaces Gmail Ads with Contact Info

    Firefox/Chrome: Sure it’s nice and all that we get Gmail for free, but those ads to the right of open messages aren’t really all that helpful. Free browser add-on Rapportive replaces Gmail ads with contact info about the sender.

    Beyond installing it, there’s nothing to using Rapportive. You have to give it access to a minimum of information to get started (looks like your name and email address, via your Google account). Then whenever you open an email, it cross-references the email of the sender with various social networking sites, then fills the ad space with whatever information it finds.

    via Rapportive Replaces Gmail Ads with Contact Info, Is Very Cool – Gmail – Lifehacker.